Δευτέρα 19 Μαρτίου 2012


Potato is by far the most important agricultural product of Cyprus and it holds the highest position on the table of exports of these products. THE CYPRUS POTATO MARKETING BOARD established by Law number 59 of 1964 secured a fair share of the world market price for the Cypriot growers for 40 years. The role, however, of C.P.M.B. changed since Cyprus joined EU the 1st May, 2004.

The Board consists of the Chairman and twelve members appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Out of the twelve members, seven represent the interest of the growers, two the interest of the exporters, one the interest of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, one the interest of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment and one the interest of the Co-operative movement.

POTATO INDUSTRY IN CYPRUS: It is not known when potatoes were initially introduced in Cyprus. It is however known that potatoes were grown before 1878.

Cyprus grows two Crops of new Potatoes every year, namely:

WINTER CROP: It is planted in July / August / September and it is lifted in November / December / January and for this reason is called Winter Crop. This crop is programmed to produce between 30-35.000 tons and is mainly used in the local market.

SPRING CROP: The planting starts late in October, continues during November / January and finishes early February. This is the main crop and is lifted from early March, during April, May and finishes latest middle of June. This crop is produced mainly for export.
85 – 90% of Cyprus Potatoes are produced in the coastal area in south-east Cyprus between the occupied town of Famagusta and the town of Larnaca. This area is known ιn Cyprus as Kokkinochoria (kokkino = red, choria = villages) because of the distinctly red soil. Small quantities of potatoes are also grown in the districts of Nicosia and Paphos mainly for the local market.
For 2005-2006 season CPMB will cooperate with more than 1100 growers who belong to 3 Potato Growers Groups (Pancyprian Organization of Potato Growers, Achna-Augorou Group and Sotira Group) and around 50 independet potato growers. Production has been planned to be around 75000 tons frοm which 60-65.000 for export (10.000 Winter Crop and 50-55.000 Spring Crop).
Red Soil is still a feature for Cyprus Potatoes. It is so important that all Cyprus potatoes for export must be grown in red soils otherwise they remain in Cyprus for the local market.

Pre-harvest chemical treatments are all according to EU regulations. No post-harvest or storage chemicals are used on export crops. Cyprus accepts the residue tolerances acceptable by CODEX Alimentarius Commission and E.U.
Potatoes are harvested when foliage is still green and all potatoes are collected by hand. The destruction of the foliage is done just before harvesting mechanically and not by using chemicals.

All potatoes for export are inspected before and during packing by the Boards Quality Inspectors (there is a very strict inspection System), but also by the Quality Inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment.

More than 70% of the potato production is exported to other European Countries. Main markets are Germany, UK, Greece, Belgium and Norway. Potatoes are however exported every year also to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Polland, Ireland, Canary Islands, Holland etc.

CPMB grows several varieties in order to satisfy its client in around 20 countries. Main varieties for 2006 season are the following:
Normal table Potatoes (Vorwiegend festkochende Sorten) : Marabel, Spunta, Diamant, Timate, Marfona.
Salad Varieties (festkochende Sorten) : Nicola, Filea, Anabelle, Bernadette, Princess, Sieglinde, Charlotte, Inova, Ditta etc.
«Flowery» varieties (Mehligkochende Sorten) Sante, Cara, Camilla, Freya.
«Bakers» Cara, Marfona.
«Babies» Nicola, Charlotte, etc.
«Frying» varieties Cara, Diamand, Remarka
«New» commercial varieties for the German market are this season the salad varieties Anabelle and Princess and the mehligkochende sorte Sante. The Board is also testing in smaller scale six new german varieties. These are the salat varieties Belana and Mirage the mehligkochended sorten Camilla and Freya and the «normal» (vorriegend fest kochende) Anuschka and Valetta.

Cyprus potatoes are packed according to requirements of the trade. For UK, Ireland, Greece, Italy and Croatia potatoes are normally packed in 20 kgs polypropelene bags. For selective clients like Super markets potatoes can be packed in 25 kgs polypropelene bags, in jumbo bags or even in 500 kgs wooden boxes (bakers, babies etc).

For Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria and most other countries in the Continent potatoes are usually packed in 25 kgs polypropelene bags or jumbo bags (1250 kgs).

For Norway cyprus potatoes are usually packed in 15 kgs polypropelene bags or jumbo bags according to the preferences of the clients.

For the transportation of Cyprus potatoes to various countries the CPMB is using reefer vessels, modern Ro/Ro vessels and Reefer containers. All cargo is since many years palletised.

Since many years all CPMB potatoes have full trace ability. This year most of CPMB potatoes are Eurepgap certified. The Eurepgap cartification programs is going to cover 100% the CPMB potatoes in the near future.

The season for Cyprus potatoes started end of November 2005 and will continue until end of July. Until now CPMB exported some 14.000 tons potatoes to 18 European countries. From these quantity some 4.000 tons have been exported to Greece, 3.000 tons to UK and 2.000 tons to Germany. Germany however will be again the main market for CPMB in the next months. It is expected that the Board will export another 50.000 tons potatoes and from this quantity some 15-18.000 tons are for Germany.

Some other 8 – 10 private Cypriots exporters exported already more than 5.000 tons potatoes and are expected to do another 10 -15.000 tons mainly to Greece, UK and Germany.


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